Monday, November 21, 2011

Old Decrepet Knees,,,

Okay, so today I finally got a second opinon on my old knee....sounds like knee replacemnet is in our future?  We are grinding along on about 70% bone on bone.  Could be worse, no grinding at all.  I opted today to get a cortsone injection....Dr. said about a 3 on a scale of 1-10.  Liar....brought me to tears, and he missed the joint and had to do it twice.  Sorry let me adjust the needle so I can hit the joint...and still missed.  It was painfull and I think I can take pain pretty good.  So, I am walking pretty good right now if I don't turn wrong.  I guess yeah?!?!  I guess.

1 comment:

  1. You are the toughest old woman I know! Hahaok you're not old :) but you are tuff!
